SHADOW KISS by Richelle Mead

“Rose is in red,
But never in blue,
Sharp as a thorn,
Fights like one too.”
It's springtime at St. Vladimir's Academy, and Rose Hathaway is this close to graduation. Since making her first Strigoi kills, Rose hasn't been feeling quite right. She's having dark thoughts, behaving erratically, and worst of all... might be seeing ghosts.
As Rose questions her sanity, new complications arise. Lissa has begun experimenting with her magic once more, their enemy Victor Dashkov might be set free, and Rose's forbidden relationship with Dimitri is starting to heat up again. But when a deadly threat no one saw coming changes their entire world, Rose must put her own life on the line - and choose between the two people she loves most.
I can't.... I just can't accept the ending! Spoiler Alert.
So I was kinda enrage after reading those last dreading parts. Why!? Omygod. Why Dimitri? The romance was just starting. It is so not fair. I would have accepted it if Rose died and some magical stuff would had happen. That would be cool. But Dimitri? Being force to turn to Strigoi. O man! That was just crap. Urghhh.
Anyway, I am so not liking this series right now.
Actually, To be technical, the flow of the story and the writing style was kinda annoying. Flow, because there are a lot of chapter where the events are boring. I was hoping it would turn kick-ass but it didn't. Then there are some when the event is at its peak but bam still nothing back to start. How could I describe this. I could count the amazing scenes in here, the climax. We are already in the third book so the building up things must be done already... All I wanted was something that would struck me. You know? A scene that would make an impact. But those scene just always have to be at the ending part. Can a book be unpredicatable and have a lot of impact even just at the start of the story? Yes it can. Second, the writing style. This had happen also in the second book. Mead keep on explaining and explaining this terms or giving a flashback to what happened earlier. Oh come on. We know that already. It's beginning to irritate me. Readers already knew what happen, no need to recap it. We need new actions something that would stop us from breathing. Aigoo... The last part was the only one able to do that. It sucks to wait for something cool to happen.
I admit though there are lot of scenes which are pretty cool but Mead just failed to continue to flow properly. She already had us hanging by this scene then we'll just go back from the start. I hate that. It was like those amazing scenes would just popped out, you know. It feels wrong... The emotions.
Despite the book having a really nice plot and everything, I just hate the flow and writing style. It was a nice read but damn was it frustrating.
I was hoping for violence, bloodbath, romance, pain... but damn the book won't take risk. It feels like Mead could do better but don't want to. It lacks explanation, it lacks feelings. It lacks the ability to affect the reader. It was just like staring at something that won't really register to your system. It would just poke your emotions but that's it.
Well, anyway. I do give credits for the other cool scenes especially the ending. I like the craziness and matureness of Rose. I really like Rose above everything else. I hope she finds happiness one day in this series. It's because of Rose that I keep reading this book. I hope she do good for the next installment.
I pray for a something better for the next book. Please.
I want more action, more drama, more romance.... And please enough with the recap thingy. It's annoying.
I am curious to what will happen next so I will continue reading.
Next book would be >>> Blood Promise.
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